Interpolytech 2007

“Interpolytech” International forum has deserved reputation among the professionals and special and military equipment producers as one of the best police equipment forums all over the world. This is confirmed by the constantly growing number of participants from Russia and abroad, as well as the officials and forum visitors. This year “Interpolytech” takes place in the All-Russian Exhibition Centre in Moscow from October, 30 till November, 2.

“Interpolytech” is the biggest Russian state security ensuring forum. Moreover, it is the only event in the realms of security that has federal status and meaning. Its aim is providing the producers, suppliers, and customers of contemporary special technical devices and armory with efficient instruments to solve a number of advertising and marketing tasks, market monitoring, and making bargains.

In the range of business program many conferences, seminars, “round tables” on the problems of equipping the law machinery with contemporary technical means were approved by the scientists and experts working in the realms of state, business and personal security guard.

Forum concept is a checked combination of five connected mutually complementary specialized exhibitions and thematic displays. This year the following displays will be presented: “Special police equipment”, “Connection, automation, and data security systems”, “Armory. Military equipment and ammunition. Individual protection means, special equipment, and accoutrements” and a closed one – for a small circle of specialists.

“Interpolytech” has not only unique topics but also unique participants. All of them show off contemporary approaches to armory and to the technical equipping of the law machinery, other ministries and governmental and nongovernmental structures, whose activities are related to organized crime and terrorism combating.  

This year car number recognition systems will be tested at “Interpolytech”. All the producers of the systems of such kind will be presented, VIT among them. It is the first time for us to take part in such a testing, anyway, we are sure about that Overseer AutoCode will be a descent alternative for the similar systems. 

We would be happy to meet you at “Interpolytech” and we’ll do everything we can for our product not to remain unnoticed.
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